jet stream

英 [ˈdʒet striːm] 美 [ˈdʒet striːm]

n.  (地球高空的)急流; (飞机发动机的)喷气流



  1. (地球高空的)急流
    a strong wind that blows high above the earth and that has an effect on the weather
    1. (飞机发动机的)喷气流
      the flow of gases from a plane's engine


      1. (地球高空对天气变化有重大影响的)急流
        The jet stream is a very strong wind that blows high in the earth's atmosphere and has an important influence on the weather.


        1. Japanese cyclones typhoons in the Pacific, hurricanes in the Atlantic are normally spawned in the South Pacific and often travel up the same jet stream Typhoon ally that sent pioneering Circumnavigators along the east coast of Japan toward San Francisco.
        2. The warm air becomes colder because of the lack of sunlight and is contained over the polar region by a jet stream.
        3. And we switched out of El Nino into what we call a La Nina situation, which keeps the jet stream really out of the path of these westward-moving hurricanes.
        4. That cold was drawn into the interior of the country by a loop in a current called the jet stream that allowed Arctic air to spill southward.
        5. A few recent scientific papers say that such long-lasting kinks in the jet stream have become more likely because global warming is rapidly melting the sea ice in the Arctic, but many leading scientists are not convinced on that point.
        6. When water passes from pressure water pipe to the spray head, it forms a jet stream, which forces the turbine work.
        7. A New East Asian Winter Jet Stream Index and Associated Anomalies of East Asian Winter Monsoon; The Specific Characteristics of the Phase Relationship of Air-Sea System over East Asian Monsoon Region in Summer
        8. Study of Output of the Tunable CW Jet Stream Dye Laser
        9. She watched a jet stream grow wider and blur as its thin end rose higher into the blue sky.
        10. The reasons are as below, the Pacific jet stream or planetary waves in troposphere can directly affect the Pacific center of action of the AO.
        11. The main affecting systems include landfall typhoon, low-level jet stream and west trough.
        12. The balloons, designed to catch the jet stream for a quick crossing of the Pacific, were expected to cause forest fires and panic.
        13. We must have been in the jet stream.
        14. The results show that the dynamic functions of thermal advection, vorticity advection, coastal frontogenesis and air jet stream made great contribution to the explosive development of the cyclone.
        15. By use of the fairly dense network of radio soundings and pilot balloons, the three dimensional structure and the formation process of the moist jet stream were shown by wind and humidity field in a case of heavy rain over north China in summer.
        16. A method of initialization for the planetary boundary layer was presented to numerical analysis of the structure of PBL jet stream.
        17. Study on air distribution characteristics in taper jet stream
        18. It is shown from the analysis that the interaction of the systems of various scales may lead to the growth of vortex disturbance and the intensification of the low-level convergence as well as the jet stream.
        19. A dynamic analysis is made of the occurrence of a low-level jet stream with emphasis placed on the circulation structure in the jet region as well as the effect of the cumulus convection on its formation and evolution.
        20. Furthermore, a mathematical method calculating the aerodynamic disturbing force of transverse jet stream is presented.
        21. Sandstorms and high level jet stream always occurred together.
        22. The distribution and the development process of the saturation and condensation area around the moist jet stream appears as if the water vapor plays a active role in the jet stream formation process.
        23. By using dynamical analysis technique and combining with observational facts of airplane turbulence, a formation mechanism on airplane turbulence in upper jet stream is studied.
        24. In typhoon's landing process, the factors that the southern jet stream center in its east side surges over Guangxi and the atmospheric vortex enters Guangxi play an important role for the typhoon torrential rain in large scope.
        25. Transfer of momentum of the upper air jet stream promoted the development of the Mongolian cyclone.
        26. Jet stream and the stationary forcing Rossby wave packet in relation to the teleconnections in the atmosphere
        27. The influence of low-level jet stream and nonuniform stratification on the propagation and development of INERTIA-GRAVITY wave
        28. The numerical results revealed that the increase of SST would cause the changes of the mid-latitude jet stream and low-latitude westerly wind.



        1. a high-speed high-altitude airstream blowing from west to east near the top of the troposphere